Sunday, December 7, 2008

And a fine time was had by all....

My day was lovely - just lovely.

No other way to describe it.

I had lunch with 8 of the nicest people on the planet for my birthday and then went to a great art show I look forward to all year long. The lunch was divine and a wonderful, sweet (and oh so kind) friend made a cheese cake that we all ate - which was so yummy. Such a great day - and I was late as usual and no one expected otherwise :-). I got great gifts but the company was the winner this am. I can't believe how God has blessed me with such awesome friends. What a treat to be with them.

The art show was rocking but cold cold cold since it was outside. I got two new pictures from a photographer that I like a lot. Lots of beautiful things to inspire the creative process.

I was inspired.

What inspires you?

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