Saturday, December 6, 2008

The first step is the hardest

Today is the day I get off my butt and start this blog I've talked about for a long time. Yesterday was my birthday (for the 3 people out there that ...

Today is the day I get off my butt and start this blog I've talked about for a long time. Yesterday was my birthday (for the 3 people out there that didn't know) and I feel like today is a fresh start on a new year. A personal do-over.

This has been a hard year and a half for me. I've lost two people very close to me (my step father in Aug 07 and my mom is Sept 08). This blog will be partially about healing and recovering from those losses. I miss them so much. Even when I write about their deaths I can hardly believe they aren't here.

Today I'm cleaning house inside and out.

Isn't that what a fresh start is all about?

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